Tuesday, February 24, 2009



电视台TV3著名警方节目“999”的制作人Halim Din 也到现场报导,把麻坡的<社区警察>故事告诉电视机前的观众. “社区警察新春团拜”也是由“社区警察计划”策略伙伴 - 乐升机构(Rockson) 的策划及制作, 让整个团拜活动顺利及成功的举行!(小图为乐升机构总裁蔡玮光、制作人张慧虹与麻坡警区主任那西尔副警监合影)

Monday, February 23, 2009


晚上: 7:30pm


马华峇吉里区会 在麻坡钻禧纪念礼堂 Dewan Jubli Intan Muar举办2009 新春文化大汇演。当天的节目是由 乐升机构专业文娱制作公司 (Rockson Entertainment) 精心策划及制作。整个大汇演非常的成功,4000多名观众热爆整个会场,台上的精彩表演同时也受到拿督蔡锐明夫妇,麻坡警区主任那西尔副警监及现场观众的肯定与赞赏。


2009 财神爷贺年活动

新年新開始, 把財神接到你家裡頭, 要你鴻運當頭, 財源廣進, 萬事如意!
樂昇機構新春賀歲活動, 每年都得到大家的支持, 一年比一年更成功。
主要原因是本公司所呈獻的財神爺賀歲活動, 是经过擇吉日祭祈及恭迎財神爺坐鎮; 所有派發的福品也都經過紅蛇山萬靈寺南無本師佛德執法靈王如來開光加持賜福, 讓得到財神爺福品的人士能夠得到上天的庇祐! 许多大公司的老板及庙宇每年也迎接乐升机构的“九星八路财神爷”到来贺年, 以求当年能够顺顺利利, 财源广进!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Wedding Planner

WEDDING The most meaningful word to any individual, the end of single life, the beginning of togetherness. Once in a lifetime event that brings you joy and happiness!

Rockson team will provide for couples who want a beautiful and unforgetable wedding with the least hassle or an unique wedding that fulfills your dreams.

Rockson Entertainment Production

Rockson Entertainment Production ( Marketing & Event Management ) is a group of talented marketing & entertainment production professionals – each bringing unique experience, specific expertise and a passion to succeed in every assignment. In the process of creation driven by strategy, we never lose sight of the client’s needs...or the client’s resources.

Rockson is a full-service, or we called ‘one-stop shopping’ management, marketing and communication company, specializing in sports, entertainment, & hospitality industries.

Our services include management consultation, productions, marketing and sales support, publicity, public relations, promotion and advertising.

Our experience means that we have well-established relationships with all types of suppliers.

Our broad knowledge of products and suppliers across Malaysia and Asia will make sure that your event is organized as harmoniously as possible to make it an occasion to remember.

We specialize in:
Entertainment & Performing Artistes / Outdoor Participation Events / Corporate Hospitality / Product Launches / Theme Events & Entertainment / Mass Communication / Music Marketing / Sport Marketing / Wedding Planning

Why use Rockson?
We appreciate that we all lead busy, demanding lives and that is why we are here to help to organizing your event. Here are some of the benefits of using us to assist with the preparations for your event:

TIME : Rockson will help you to save your valuable time by doing all the organizing, planning and preparation.

MONEY : You’ll worth every cent you’ve spend. Rockson make sure you remain on budget.

IDEAS : Rockson are the creative team and offer you the ideas and suggestions.

DETAIL : Our attention to detail will make sure every aspect of a successful event is covered.

STRESS FREE : Rockson will alleviate the stress of planning an event.

PEACE OF MIND : You can rest assured our team will work hard to make sure your special day is a day to remember for both of you and your guests.

RELAX : Rockson will enable you to relax and enjoy the
event with your guests.